Interview with Kim Hooper

What are 5 things you would want to find?

  1. My copy of Dept. of Speculation by Jenny Offill. I love this book and I cannot find it anywhere

  2. A respectable non-dairy cheese

  3. Tickets to a Fiona Apple concert

  4. A magical solution to climate change

  5. Zen-like calm amid my daughter’s meltdowns (She’s 3. Send help)

What are 5 things you would want to hide? 

  1. My journals from my teens and 20s. Not pretty

  2. My toenails. Also not pretty (I’m training for a marathon)

  3. The amount of time I spend on Instagram

  4. My chocolate stash

  5. Christmas stocking stuffers that I buy throughout the year but don’t wrap until December

If you could choose anywhere in the world for your book to be hidden, where would it be and why?

I would want this particular book hidden in Boise because of the delightful irony of the title.

If you could find any book, which would it be and why?

See Question #1.

Who would you want to find your book (another author, celebrity, et cetera)?

My dad. He passed away on July 6, a couple of weeks after this book came out. I was able to show him the hard copy of it, but he didn’t have the ability to read at that time. I like to think he can read it now.


Visit Bedtime Stories to listen to Kim Hooper read an excerpt from No Hiding in Boise